Welcome to EECS467!

This webpage contains information for EECS 467: Autonomous Robots course at the University of Michigan. This course discusses software methods and implementation for robot perception, world mapping, and control, using physical robots. Topics include: sensors, sensor processing, control, motion planning, localization and mapping, forward and inverse kinematics, computer vision and artificial intelligence methods. The course contains multiple team projects, culminating in a major design experience (MDE) project. EECS Course Bulletin.

Prerequisites: EECS 281 and (MATH 214 or 217 or 296 or 417 or 419 or ROB 101) and (EECS 367 or 373); (C or better, No OP/F) or instructor permission.

Course Final Project Showcase:

Please see Final Project page for project videos from previous semesters.

FA 2023 Lectures:

Lecture will be held Mon./Wed. at 9a-10:30a at 104 EWRE

Also live streamed on ZOOM.

Meeting ID: 914 0780 2657 Passcode: 516966

Recordings of the Lectures can be viewed HERE. (U-M Access)


Labs will be at EECS 3007, Fridays 12:00PM-2:00PM


Part I: Course Introduction (5%)

Part II: Mobile Robotics (Botlab) (40%)

(Midterm - Competition)

Part III: Design Project (40%)

Quiz (10%)

Course Staff:



xiaoxiao du


3257 FRB

Graduate Student Instructor:


Jorge Vilchis


MBot Distribution:

For FA23 semester, MBot robot kits will be available for distribution at EECS 3007 or at the Ford Robotics building. We have a new MBOT website, check it out!
